Ancient Ritual. Inspiring Music.

Ancient Ritual
For the newcomer, Episcopal worship can sometimes feel a bit like stumbling into a secret society, but our hope is that you feel welcomed into the rhythm of our liturgy*, which is based on some of the oldest traditions of Christianity. The Episcopal Church is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion whose roots are in the Church of England. The Anglican tradition embraces the Via Media, the middle way between Catholicism and Protestantism.
Those of you who are familiar with Catholic worship will recognize the rhythm of our liturgy, from the Gloria to the four scripture readings to the passing of the peace.
If you are used to a more Protestant worship, you will recognize St. Luke's openness to reformation and renewal, to hearing how the Spirit is guiding our worship and prayers.
* "Liturgy" is just a fancy word for how worship is structured.
Inspiring Music
Every Sunday, we sing together accompanied by a piano, two acoustic guitars, and an acoustic bass. You'll usually hear a traditional hymn, some Taizé-style chants, and a few contemporary songs—sometimes from the Christian tradition, sometimes not. Leonard Cohen and John Lennon have been known to show up from time to time.
Some folks in our community play the violin. One person is a talented cellist. Another plays the organ. Sometimes they share their gifts in worship, and it's always a blessing when they do.
If you're a musician and interested in helping with our music at worship, talk to Kathy Douglass, our Music Director. She's the one behind the piano every Sunday.